
Rituali da New Year’s Eve 01
31 dicembre 2008, 16:17
Filed under: Cinema/Video, Germania | Tag: , ,

The same procedure as last year, Miss Sophie?

“Each country has its New Year’s Eve customs. In Germany, everyone lets off fireworks at midnight willy-nilly, (organised firework displays are reserved for festivals and summer events), molten lead is poured into a bowl of water, and the shape it forms when solidified is interpreted as a sign of what will happen to the pourer in the New Year. Streamers, champagne and rampant snogging are, of course, also part of the celebrations. But ask anyone in Germany and they will confirm that no New Year can be seen in without sitting through 20 minutes of black-and-white television, watching a sketch that everyone knows by heart. This is the phenomenon known as Dinner for One.”

Il resto dell’articolo qui, sul sito della Bbc.
La voce su wikipedia è qui.

Il video, grazie a mjtaljaard.